Welcome to a new year and a new episode of loving beyond the I do podcast. We have a couple of big announcements First we launched a new website, which is www.lovingbeyondtheido.com. Second the opening of our online store where you can get all your loving beyond the I do and legendary relationship apparel at pwdoneright.com
How do you bring up a subject or an issue that your mate has closed the book on.
So obviously it’s been brought up it’s been discussed or they both know about it. And then when you use the word discuss, that can be used loosely. So discuss means yes we did talk and then somebody said I’m done with it, then I’m finished.
So how do you bring that back up? How do you bring up that subject? How do you get your mate to actually talk about without getting upset? Part of the problem is, one person is not hearing the other person’s view.
The other person doesn’t want to discuss it. They get upset. They say I’m through with it. The other person is still talking to try and get their point across or trying to get you to lay the issues out. Or wanting you to see things as for what they are. So the two things that happen is either you’re resolved it, or one person has closed the book and the other person is feeling incomplete.
Learn to approach your issues in a systematic way that’s beneficial for both of you. Know when to push the conversation and when to let up. Just because you need closure doesn’t mean I’m ready to talk and bring up those emotions. Be mindful of your spouses feelings and state of mind.
- When We Get Married For The Wrong Reasons
- On-line Store
- The importance of physical touch
- Legendary Relationship Website
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